Professional Iot Modules Provider since 2001
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Poskytovateľ služieb domácej automatizácie

Guangdong Joinet Iot Technology Co., Ltd. je technologicky založený národný high-tech podnik špecializujúci sa na R&D, poskytovateľ služieb v oblasti výroby a domácej automatizácie.
Smart Lock
Naše inteligentné zámky zahŕňajú zámky na odtlačky prstov, zámky s heslom a zámky na karty. Poskytujú rôzne úrovne bezpečnosti a pohodlia
Smart Switch
Kĺbové spínače zahŕňajú dotykové spínače, spínače diaľkového ovládania a spínače ovládané hlasom. Ponúka pohodlie a úsporu energie
Smart Controller
systém centrálneho ovládania smart home ponúka centralizované ovládanie pre jednoduchú obsluhu; Umožňuje inteligentné prepojenie scén; Umožňuje diaľkové ovládanie a monitorovanie v reálnom čase; Spravuje energiu pre efektívnosť; Zaisťuje bezpečnosť pomocou bezpečnostných prvkov; Podporuje prispôsobenie a upgrady; a analyzuje údaje pre lepší život
Digital home integrated information box
Integruje viacero funkcií, ako je sieťové pripojenie a distribúcia signálu. Kompaktný a priestorovo úsporný. Umožňuje jednoduchú správu domácich sietí. Poskytuje stabilný a spoľahlivý výkon pre bezproblémový zážitok z digitálnej domácnosti
Inteligentné osvetlenie
Inteligentné osvetlenie je možné ovládať na diaľku pomocou mobilných aplikácií alebo hlasových príkazov. Upravte jas a teplotu farieb. Nastavte rôzne scény. Šetrite energiu. Poskytnite používateľom pohodlie a flexibilitu pri vytváraní rôznych svetelných atmosfér
Smart Security
Inteligentné zabezpečenie má video dohľad a detekciu narušenia. Dá sa monitorovať na diaľku. Okamžite odosiela upozornenia. Ponúka vysokú spoľahlivosť a presnosť. Zaisťuje bezpečnosť domova a poskytuje používateľom pokoj
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Why choose us
In-house R&D team+ Advanced R&D facilities+Monthly production volume: 3.5Mpcs/m
ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO45001, IATF16949 certifications + Advanced manufacturing techniques+Various integration and applications are supported
Well-established supplier systems+Software update support with low cost
Locate in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area+Sea, land and air transport
T+3 on-time delivery+ 7*12 hours online+ Continuous improvement of PDCA
Network multi-circuit tester+Leakage tester+High temperature testers and so on.
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Design integration services and complete product development services
Whether you need a product customized, require design integration services or need complete product development services, Joinet will always use in-house expertise to meet customers’ design concepts and specific performance requirements.
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Joint IoT device manufacturers
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A technology -based national high -tech enterprise
Guangdong Joinet Iot Technology Co., Ltd. is a technology-based national high-tech enterprise specializing in the R&D, production and sales of AIoT modules. While at the same time Joinet IoT device manufacturer is also committed to providing IoT hardware, solutions and production support services to enable our customers to better serve their consumers. 
  11 years of actual combat technology accumulation
   with an area of 1,0000+㎡
  360+ staffs 
  50+ IP
Our customized process
1.Project establishment:
Demand research + Demand estimation + Demand confirmation + Project setting + Programme design.
2.Hard development
Schematic design + PCB Layou t+ Craft design + RF antenna design + Sample production
3.Software development
Communication protocols + Embedded software developmen t+ APP front-end development + Interaction design + Systems architecture
4.Product manufacturing
Engineering verification + Design verification + Product verification + Bulk production
5.Product testing
Functional testing + Performance testing + Aging testing + System integration testing
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Joinet has made great strides in intelligent solutions
The Internet of Things – a vast network of connected objects collecting and analyzing data and autonomously performing tasks – will penetrate almost all spheres of our daily life and make our lives more comfortable and protected. 

With predictions from Statista that there will be almost 31 billion active IoT connections by 2025, which shows the promising development prospects of IoT. And after years of hard work, Joinet has cooperated with many companies and has made great progress in the intelligent solutions.
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Suppliers & partners
Joinet has long-term and in-depth cooperation with fortune 500 and industry leading enterprises such as Canon, Panasonic, Jabil and so on. Its products have been widely used in Internet of things, smart home, smart water purifier, smart kitchen appliances, consumable life-cycle management and other application scenarios, focusing on IOT to make everything more intelligent. And our customized services are widely popular with many enterprises such as Midea, FSL and so on. (suppliers+partners)
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We invite customers to collaborate with us to create a better future together.
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